Saturday, November 29, 2008

David's Courageous Journey ~ Day 34‏

Greetings and Salutations Friends and Family ~

Although I have returned home to Sonoma County, energetically and spiritually I still feel as if I am right by David's side. I have never felt so protective of someone in my whole life and I imagine this is the way a mother feels for her child. Let us anchor the divine healing spiritual angel energy in and around David.

The treatment and prayers thus far are working in David's favor. David is pursuing the right course of treatment and his courageous journey continues. Energetically he is getting stronger and doing better. He is now in a place where he can be with his family and he is happy and peaceful and under wonderful care. He has already won the hearts of the hospital staff and is in good hands. At this time it is of the utmost importance that we cast away any doubt and not be consumed by sadness or fear. In our minds we must rest at peace that David is on the perfect journey and get out of the way so that God, the angels and unseen forces ("workies") can do their work. Continue to visualize David in perfect health, his eyes and face are radiating beauty, he is more handsome now than ever. His color is back and there is such luster to his skin. He is eating now, he jokes around and is genuinely peaceful. There is a huge possibility that he will make it through this and his family and friends are helping him with stretching, massage and keeping his circulation going and his spirit up. There are so many angels, spirit guides and ascended masters among us. What we need is something to live for, something to work for. In our society and our culture cancer is so wrapped in fear. Remember that this is David's journey, this is his learning, and we are so magnificent, we are powerful healers beyond measure and our thoughts and our minds manifest reality, so choose the good ones! Expect a miracle! A spiritual healing is in the works, how do I know? The angels told me so.

Visit to make donations and/or keep posted on the upcoming benefits (massagearama tomorrow at Odd Fellows in Sebastopol, and benefit concert this coming Friday night at Center for Spiritual Living). Thank you to Kelly for keeping up the blog and thank you to Jennifer for anchoring that faithful spirited healing light and energy with us all now. Thank you to Marissa for the wonderful book on spiritual healing. Thank you to all of you who with your thoughts and intentions are helping so very much.

It is so important that the whole community and all David's support group hold hope and peacefulness in their hearts, minds and energies. Blessings to all of you, we have felt the love pouring out of you. So much Love and Light to You, David's family, friends and supporters, Keep up the Good Work, and expect only good!

Heather Haun on behalf of David Nur Engle and the Fraley Family

In the words of David's amazing Grandfather, Fatha Engle, American National Representative for the Sufi Movement, "meditate on love and seek the energy of God in our whole being, body, mind and heart and desire it above all else".

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