Sunday, February 8, 2009

Message from David while in Mexico...

William Florian took this dictation from David while they were together in Tijuana:

"My deepest heartfelt thanks to all of you who are part of my legion of healing angels in the myriad of different ways that you support. All of it is very important and deeply appreciated." ~ Dr. David Nur Engle

Heart Message from Christina Sophia

Here is what I would have shared about David (at his Celebration of Life & Spirit), had there been more time. I wrote this last week and now added a few thoughts......

I met David Engle 11 years ago thru Motherwavework and have been a friend since that time. We connected over that period in a variety of ways.

The image of David which has left the strongest impression on me over all these years is that David's life was all about LIVING LOVE ~ BEING love and BEING connection. To some of us who knew him in the Motherwave days ~ where David participated largely, becoming a trainer, motherwave practitioner and teacher about being with and feeling emotions as a means of healing ~ he was the 'FIRE ANGEL' ~ a name he gave himself then and which he always announced with great PASSION!

Hugger extraordinaire! (His hugs were very special ~ like coming home to LOVE and getting grounded in it) .... On so many occasions he had magic up his sleeves!

He helped me so sweetly, kindly and gently in a very painful time to feel heard so many years ago. We danced together as Shiva and Shakti in the Living Goddess Dance show in Marin where as part of his costume he wore a large crescent moon covering his forehead (can't you just see him in that?) He and Sierra Wilde officiated at our Tantric/spiritual wedding ceremony and did a beautiful amazing job of making it a magical and powerful day for everyone. He always rose to an occasion and we could always count on having a good time with David present. He was fun and funny. He could relate with and be love with any kind of person. In his Xango business he found the opportunity to have a much wider and larger group of people to include in his circle. It was a perfect expression for him and his expansiveness and to spread his influence and love in a much larger way with his very large vision. He was always inclusive, never exclusive.

Today my heart cracks open a little more just thinking of him and the gift he was to life, and how we will miss him in the body! He lived large and he was large in his dying. He, the personality wanted to keep on living his passion more than anything, to keep on being the leader to the people he loved, to keep on moving toward his goal of attracting the money and supporting his Xango team so he and others could become the philanthropists that he dreamed of being in the world. He wanted that so much! He wanted so much to contribute in the big way that his mentors at Xango could do~ to the well being of children around the world. He always talked about children.... being someone who would help make life better for every child. His vision was as big as his heart!

I have come to realize that his death, his passing into the unseen worlds has been a HUGE GIFT to all of us ~ his friends, his loved ones. For a long time he didn't want to go, he didn't want to 'give up' on his life and take his next step as a soul for fear of letting us down (especially his Xango colleagues). Finally, he did surrender to the creative Universe and into the hands of the all loving friends, family and ascended masters who were waiting for him, reaching out to him. I believe that in his soul he had something else in mind for himself and was being called home to work on a 'higher' level. Yet it does take time and a certain skill to really let go of the body and the earth plane (a spirit has to have enough of its energy to be able to leave the 3rd dimension successfully). He was exquisitely, skillfully midwifed to the end ~ testament I think to the unfoldment of his greater purpose. He surrendered to love and into love and passed from his body in a state of joy, peace and grace. In his life he carried the sacred in his heart and shared it with all of us in many ordinary, yet intimate moments. He helped us to remember the depth and the largeness of our own beings just by being with him. And in his passing his gift to us, among many perhaps is once again to show us the sacred-ness of all life, the beauty and power than we all carry in our hearts and which is nothing if not shared. To do this we must believe in ourselves as the divine and believe in our greatness as co-creators with the divine while releasing the fears of the small self.

His gift in his living and his dying teaches me and shows the way to be in life as fully as I am able, to find and stand in what is in my heart alone to give. To believe in my own uniqueness, voice, message, gifts, to not sell myself short.... in a way that goes beyond ego needs. To love myself and accept myself more so that I can be myself with others in the most heartful, loving and contributory way. To live and be contribution. That was his example to us all.....

AND..... I am SO aware of the fine balancing act this really is....To love and care for oneself physically as well as others. This was not something David had mastered in the sense of really making a difference in his own health. I believe David's living and dying were the perfect expression of him and that it was time for him to leave the earth. Yet, I feel strongly that another message to us in his leaving the earth plane is for all of us to pay more attention and care to the signs and cries for help from our own bodies; to be pro-active in our self care in every way possible so that we may possibly die in a less physically painful way. Always remember that pain or discomfort is a communication from your body that something you are doing in your way of living is not working for it energetically and physically. Though if you are actively working energetically and physically to detoxify these are sometimes an expression of that. Sometimes these signs are only the manifestation of a spiritual problem that will not have an obvious or easy physical solution but often we need to address both the physical and the spiritual root in ourselves.

There are so many things we can do deliberately to make a difference in our own well-being, wellness and health. So please, allow me to encourage you to begin where you know you need to and for more ideas on how you can take positive actions toward this in your own life you are welcome to contact me at my e-mail address:
I would love to be able to support you and also do this kind of coaching and counseling for actual remuneration in the world as I have a great deal of knowledge, information and practical ideas of how to do it in your life, and I care about YOU! But I am also willing to share with you if you are unable to take it on in this manner as a service to humanity and the earth. (I am a former R.N. and have been oriented to fitness, studied and experimented on myself nutritionally for my whole adult life, as well as learned from several brilliant practitioners.)

Love and many Blessings to you in your quest to be fully expressed and Feelin' good in life!

Christina Sophia

Thursday, January 29, 2009


SAT JAN 31, 2 to 8PM Sebastopol Community Center


Celebrate LIFE! OUR Lives! Bring YOUR SPIRIT! Bring what YOU LOVE!

On January 6, 2009, our friend, David Nur Engle, passed on after a near 3 month long struggle with cancer. His loving and generous spirit touched many. To honor the life of this beautiful man, we will have a gathering at the Sebastopol Community Center. The ceremony is from 2-5pm. Please arrive on time. Dance Party 5-8pm. As David would want it, all expressions and emotions are welcome. We will celebrate his life and OUR LIVES with STORIES, PRAYERS, SONG and DANCE! Let us join together to honor life and the beautiful inspiration of our beloved friend, David Nur Engle.

Let’s celebrate together with food! Guidelines: If your LAST NAME begins with A - K = please bring a Main Dish, L - R = Salad, S- Z = Dessert. If you can bring your own place setting, including glass, that will be helpful, too.

At the MAIN Community Center
390 Morris Street, Sebastopol CA

Read about David’s journey here at:
All are welcome to add to the tapestry of musings. Send your story, experience, sentiments to Kelly at:

Heart Message from Patsy

To My Dearest Friend, Dr. David

I was hurting in my back about 3 years ago, so very bad, so I got out the phone book and started looking for a Chiropractor. I opened the phone book and this picture of this guy just stood out to me, so I called and went right over.

David was so caring and gentle, I felt like I knew him forever. We talked and he was all fired up about this juice he had. He wanted me to take a bottle home, so I did. To my amazement it really helped me, but I kept going to see him and we got into business together with Xango. (That Juice)

I was so inspired with his love and all the fun we had together, I felt like I had found a long lost brother.

He would come over and hours would go by, we would talk, plan, laugh and have fun just doing nothing. He felt so at home he would go to the fridge and say I am hungry, he was always hungry. I just felt good that he felt so at home with us that he did that. He would lay down on the couch, put his leg up over the other, I can still see him laying there planning what we will do next.

Or calling me to come over and get some movies, we have a big selection and think David has seen them all.

He always called me around 11pm; he knew that was when I went to bed, just to check-in and talk about our day. I really miss that call. But at times I still feel him checking in with me. I love you so much, David. I know you came into my life for a reason, and I am going to make the best of that reason. Thank you for being such a true friend.

Love, Patsy

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Heart Message from Rand

My one and only chance of a lifetime, to help a fellow healer/humanitarian, a journeyman on this path we call Life, I was so very privileged to have helped at his dear friend Patsy's request, fill out a rather tedious MediCal form, just as plain and ever so brief encounter to see this so very handsome man, pull himself up in his bed to sign papers, was an experience I shall keep in the depths of my heart, so restfully delight, and be in the good company with all the angels and saints, dear David! we love, as you blessed us in this walk,


Sunday, January 25, 2009

Heart Message from Karl T. Radtke

I first encountered David Engle at a Sufi Dance in 1999 at the Episcopal Church in Sebastopol. I remember thinking "Who's the pretty boy", as he was so gorgeous and flowing. Between him and Monet (Those of you who know her), they were two of the most beautiful people I had ever seen. I had just moved to town in December 1998 and was trying to make some local connections.

At some point that evening there was a "spoken bulletin Board" where anyone there could speak to events, and business related activities.

David spoke briefly about his business and how he would give a 20 minute massage prior to chiropractic adjustment.

I resonated immediately with that and after a week or so, contacted him. David was living out off HWY 12 in the barn with Teresa R. at that time. Shortly after that he had moved his office to Main Street in Sebastopol (And himself, if any of you remember, he stayed in the closest of that room for a short time).

I had a great experience with the healing and because of having read allot about Edgar Cayce and Cayce’s theme of massage and adjustment, I started seeing David every other week. This continued for at least 5 years as this became my way of taking care of me.

So I was having an every other week snapshot of David and his adventures and he with mine and I always appreciated his loving openness and the even exchange. We would laugh, growl, sigh and generally had an uplifting and sweet time together and I was continually renewed by the experience. He saw friends of mine and both of my children. His adventures at that time were quite entertaining to listen to <:)>

I tapered off after he got into Xango as by then he had moved his office to his home in Graton and it was a bit more challenging to get there regularly. David would always call me to remind me of our appointments because I was so forgetful. I appreciated him doing that very much.

A couple of years ago when I went to see him, I came inside and he was sitting there with Diana Laczkowski. She got ready to go and could not find her shoes. I promptly offered mine as they were still warm. She did find hers and then left but there was a definite energy present and as it turns out a common theme of amusement between the three of us.

David and I exchanged comments (not gonna go there <:)>), and he was curious if I had some interest. I said "yes" and so he called Diana and asked her if he could give me her phone number. She said "yes". Thank you my brother eternally.

Diana and I have been together ever since and David lived and loved with both of us about our love adventure. He was so very pleased for having made the connection as he cherished both of us. Diana and I may have been two of his more consistent patients over the last several years and a great mutual love and admiration developed between the three of us.

Diana and I share a special connection and David very much lives through us and I am truly blessed. It was always so wonderful to me, that he crossed the lines between patient and doctor (much to my appreciation). Our friendship had evolved to point that I was blessed to attend his bachelor’s party when he and Alyssa were preparing for marriage. He did dance well with the Belly Dancer that evening, I must say.

I have had two distinct encounters with David since he passed, one where he essentially stepped into my body for a few moments where I felt his love and light (profoundly) and another where he asked me if I was ready for this. On this second occasion I involuntarily and fluidly said “What ever you want me to do, I am here to make it happen, let’s do this”

Because of this second experience, I got it intuitively that he had come to get to know some of us and has returned to the non-physical to guide those whom he touched and are willing to listen. I cannot tell you what he is bringing, past a deeper spiritual awareness and much deeper appreciation for our “in body” experience, but I suspect for those of us that are open to it, great things will come of it. I look forward to it and embrace it with every fiber. I love you David, I am here, we will continue forever and out of the sadness, grief, love, mirth and connection, my life is so much richer for knowing you.

Blessed Be,

Karl T. Radtke

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

January 21st ~ National Hugging Day

I thought of David immediately and smiled big... then I gave myself a hug!

Hugs, Hugs, Hugs

~ Kelly

Monday, January 19, 2009

Heart Message from James Fish

Dear Debra, (Deborah Haviland)

I was very moved, shocked and touched by the news of David's passing.
I knew he was sick, but I had no idea things moved so quickly. I know
this might sound strange, but I feel his peaceful presence and I think
you are right about his work from the other side. I sense that he is
very clear and at home in the Spirit World.

David left us all an enormous legacy of love and vision and I pray I
will be as brave as he was and still is. I pray that I will find the
secret of life that David seemed to intuitively understand. Some days
I feel so distant and then again, when I look directly at God's
Creation I am reminded of the Grandness and Holiness of it all, in
life and death, we are all connected to and affected each other.

I thank you for bringing David Engle into my life, be it all too
brief; for he was a bright light of star-shine in an often-times
cynical and hopeless world. His passion for life and joy was
infectious and inspiring. I am a better man today having known David
and I hope to carry on his legacy of kindness and compassion as I
travel further into this tangle of space and time.

May we all carry David's smile in our hearts as we climb like children
into the dawn of a new day!

Love & light,

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Heart Message from Shanna Rose

David love story:

I first met David at the Celebration of Eros Conference at Harbin in the summer about 10 years ago. It was the Saturday night dance, and he was dressed beautifully to perform the part of Shiva (of course!) with Shakti. He had a blue crescent moon painted on his forehead, snake bracelets on his arms, a jeweled vest, and cool hippie pants. Mostly what I remember were those shining blue eyes... We'd been flirting all day, and I sat in the front row, riveted to his dance performance. It then broke up into a free-style DJ'd dance, and we found one another on the dance floor. In the next space of time we danced our attraction, our chemistry, our magnetism- getting closer and closer until we ended up in each others' arms. It was like making love through dance, something I'd never experienced before. David was a lover of many, and his shining blue eyes will live on in all of our hearts.

Shanna Rose

Heart Message from Sahar Pinkham


As a chiropractor, I found his demeanor to be one of a loving parent; taking great care to see to my comfort and well-being. He brought a wealth of tools to his work from which he would tailor our sessions. Whether he supported me with guided imagery or breath work or massage, I floated through each session.

Of all the many tools he had developed, his greatest was (and is) his compassionate Heart.

As a friend, he was generous and authentic. Two traits that embodied his desire to help: to help all people. Especially children. It was his desire to earn enough money through his business that he could retire allowing him the freedom to devote himself to helping children.

As a presenter, he was again the authentic and gentle man I knew. He offered his depth of insight into the human condition along with exercises designed to allow us to see both our blindness and our greatness. This he also shared with beauty and ease.

What may stand out for me most about David was (and is) his kindness. A trait that shows great discipline of thought, a depth of soul, and an open Heart. In the many years that I knew him not once did I hear him utter anything less that kindness towards and about others.

David, thank you for Blessing us.

"May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields.
And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of his hand."

Loving you,

Heart Message from Shams

Dear family and friends of David Nur,

Just about two years ago, David stepped to the front of the church in Camarillo where the commemorative service for his father was being held. There was a certain sparkle about him as he spoke about learning the joy of hugging from his dad, who offered his embrace to everyone who came to their home. And he shared his vision of preparing himself to travel around the world as an emissary of love to all.

The next time I saw him was at a Sufi event about a year ago. During the ceremony he came forward and told us that while he hadn't sung in public before and was feeling nervous, he wanted to sing a song that evening. His voice grew in strength and sweetness as he sang, and touched us all. Later in the evening we spoke. Though I've known David since he was a teenager, these were the warmest moments I had with him. I told him how beautiful his song had been. He told me that I was one of the men in his life who he had always admired. And we hugged.

When I read Ananda's account of David's last hours, I was struck again by the power of his courage and love as he moved through the panoply of emotions welling in him, feeling and releasing them fully and arriving at a place of peace. That one of his young age, having endured a sudden and harsh challenge to his wishes for his life, was able at the end to realize and accept what was happening and to say "I'm ready to die," stirred me deeply. For me, this full-hearted embrace of himself and his life was David's final gift of love.


Saturday, January 10, 2009

Heart Message from Kathryn Darling

Dear Darling David,

Where are you? I could feel you all day, the day you passed, even though I had no idea you had gone. You seemed to be chatting away to me about what I should say at your memorial (even though it looks as though I will be out of the country then for family/work stuff). You were reminding me of the early days of motherwave, when you were so eager, so innocent, so blazing with your light.

Then I remembered the scenarios in which you began to face your darker side more deeply. I could see us sitting there in many, many personal conversations about all this - about how you were learning a deeper sense of caring and conscience, of awareness of the effect your powerful light and attractive energy might be having on others, and how you were committing to using your energy more responsibly than ever. I was so moved by your humility and willingness to change. I watched you change. I enjoyed our deep sharing.

When I was walking through my own dark night in the emotional and reality-shattered underworld, you drove to my home several times, with your then-partner, to hold me, reassure me, love me unconditionally in my pain, remarkably not judging me, able to hold a rare unconditional space for me in my woundedness even though I had been your teacher. Those moments above all else bonded my heart to yours for life and beyond.

Last time I saw you, at my last party, you said that things were going better for you and that you had found your way with your business, and you looked powerful and centered. Of course I was shocked to hear the news of your illness, but all that is passed for you now. I know you know things we can only dream of. I always felt that you were an angel and Engle means angel and when people suggest I send you light I think, well okay, but hey, David, you shine on me baby!

love Katie

Friday, January 9, 2009

Heart Message from Candace

Hey Rich,

Martin and I spent New Year's Eve with Bonnie and Michael, and we just wanted to thank you for including us in the sad information of David's passing. Or happy! Who knows? Remember, was it Ram Dass' dad or one of those guys? He spent his last breathing moments on Earth holding his most loved ones hands, looking right into their eyes, and saying "I'm GOing! Off to the next adVENture! Whoo-HOO!!" He couldn't wait to see what was next. They wanted to go too! I remember feeling the same way when my mom passed - "Wait, I want to go! You stay! I want to go!"

From Ananda's journal, when she was talking about the growling, I'm sad for David that he didn't get to do what he still felt he wanted to do in his physical body, but beyond happy for him that he was with the people he was with at the time of his passing, people who understood him, got it, and let him express that anger that he didn't get to do it in the form he knew. Maybe that is the greatest gift from the universe that we can receive, and one that he truly deserved - passing on with the right people. I am so glad that he was blessed with loved ones who understood him in his last communications here. Our family talked about the growling, him getting to express the real anger he felt at not getting to finish what he wanted to do here in physical form. And just think what he is doing now! I can feel that through my whole body as I write this. David, I will never, ever forget when you showed me your see-through wallet in the airport, the excitement and inspiration in your eyes, and your joy. Now your joy fills the universe, not just those of us who were lucky enough to know you in your temporary physical form. HI! You're awesome. And don't forget us here still on this planet! We're a little constricted here in our skins, but you're not, and I can't wait to be with you again. I can only imagine how it would have been to know you better, and I wish I had, but I will, and I love you with all my heart.

I will never forget the impact he made on me that weekend in Orlando. XanGo didn't hold my interest, but David's joy inspired me. I will never forget, and have told so many people, about his plastic wallet with the XanGo seed and the million dollar bill. He was filled with beauty and dreams and love, and he had gotten too big for this little world. Didn't he look gorgeous in that picture taken on Christmas Eve? Just beaming. A being of light, and now he's gotten to leave the human shell. He was truly, truly blessed with the support and love he was surrounded by in his last months here. I feel deeply that our world needs David in a bigger form, and that he was called to do his work far beyond the limitations of this angry little planet.

Our deepest condolences to his closest family and friends.


Heart Message from Beth Fraley

Oh dear sweet brother Alan David, you always were my lil brother from the first moment I met your family in 1980, your whole family welcomed me without judgment or ridicule, and mom married Eric and I in 1982, and with our union our children have been able to enjoy your ever loving presence in our lives, the best times were at the beach and always having a good time with friends and family, those were the days, I also just love the memories we shared as you and your brother and I went on the Xango cruise and shared 7 days in a teeny tiny cabin, and we had the greatest times, I enjoyed taking videos of you taking a nap snoring loudly after your exerting on shore experiences with bicycling for miles in the wild, and going ziplining, and numerous other events, God was saying, how fun it would be to have you in heaven with Him, that’s my belief, you are so full of life eternally that we could feel comfortable letting you go home, we will all miss you and your vibrant spirit, and smile that can make the sun flip, and your humor is phenomenal, we could laugh for hours, the nice invitation you made to take you for a walk on your brothers 50th birthday Dec 4th 2008, was an invitation I couldn't turn down, the way you were determined to make that marathon (as the nurse pitched at him with a smile) he laughed so strongly and held me tight while we turned around at the nurses station with a hello to EVERYONE and a smile to follow, you are a hero in my eyes and many others, we will meet up soon and all take that marathon in Heaven with you, until then, hugs and kisses forever, Love, Beth Fraley

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Heart Message from DavidJohn Mehren

Dear Ananda,

Thank you for your beautiful message regarding the last twenty hours or so of David’s life in the physical. You did a beautiful job of framing this event in a way that helps us all receive and deal with it in a heartful and grateful way. You made it much easier for us. I know now that David was complete, worked through his anger before departing, and went into that good-night in a space of Love and Peace. He left his beautiful energy field there in the house to help all of you angelic caregivers, friends, and relatives through this difficult passage.

I am both very sad that David passed, and joyous that his suffering is over.

Thank you to all of you merciful, Divine emissaries of The Light who cared for David through his last months; Jennifer, Kelly, Ananda, William, Christina, Scott, Brian, Heather, Alyssa, White Bear, Gayla, Margy, David Gordon, Karen, Jennica, Teresa Ross, Teresa Tudury, Jodie, Jill, Marién, Chrysalis, Sunshine, Tana and the other members of David’s family, Doctor Muñoz, the other doctors, the donors, the coordinators and staff at the fundraiser events, and all the many others too numerous to mention (my apologies if I missed your name). All of you did David and all of us magnanimous service. Bless you all for your generosity, your caring, your service, your time, your energy, your sacrifice, your dedication, your commitment to David, to his communities, and to his family, and, mostly, for your Love. Bless you all for everything. Bless you, bless you, bless you. And thank you so, so much. I Love you all.

I look forward to seeing many of you soon, back here in West County.

Love, Peace, and Many Blessings,

DavidJohn Mehren

Nancy Barr shares fun photos of David

David at a Xango costume party:

Heart Message from Tomas Phillips

From the moment I met you almost 10 years ago at the Sufi Dance, you had a radiance, a smile, a love in your heart & soul, so pure, and bright, long lasting, forever replenishing... that is with me now, and will be with me forever. I bless you on your journey, how you've touched us all. You will be with me forever.
Love, Tomas

Heart Message from Deborah Haviland

To everyone who has known and loved David Engle,
We are now family, joined in our hearts in our love for David Angel.

Thank you beloved Ananda, Jennifer, William & Christina and all the Family for your presence there with our beloved David Angel, and for all the love and devotion and authentic communication you gave him in his passing.

I woke early this morning and could deeply feel him.

I have been traveling with you all and have deep empathy for this sacred journey. So many similarities I have experienced in releasing, guiding and being with my Beloved Mother who passed literally a week ago on Dec 29th. My brothers were with her 24/7 in a similar way, with prayers, and music, and guiding her into the light.

Thank you so much for describing the details for us, so we can be with you in this sacred moment.

I love David Engle, he was such a dear friend, and I will carry his teachings of Love and Compassion in my heart for ever.

To our "Xango Family", know that thousands upon thousands of people love and adore Xango, and so did David... and it was just his time to go, and for other reasons that only God and His Divine Plan understand. And Working from the other side can be a great blessing for David and for all of us, he is now one of our "Guardian Angels"... so it is helpful to hold his passing in the highest light, and to feel David's liberation and graduation to a higher plane of evolution.

God Bless you All, and God Bless David Engle in his sacred journey back into the heart of God,

Love Deborah

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Heart Message from Lisa Mansfield

The very first time I met David, when we hugged, both of
our hearts burst in shear delight. There was a sense of
complete recognition that we knew each other. We laid
down holding each other for 45 minutes and just cried,
rejoicing in such deep love for one another.

David will always remain in my heart and awareness
as an ancient friend returned. I believe we all benefitted
from David's gentle yet strong presence and his ability
to love and play so completely.

Although I know his passing must have a greater purpose
I cannot yet see, his presence in body form will be deeply missed.

In the utmost of love and abundant gratitude to you Dolphin David.
Your light will forever shine.

Lisa Mansfield

Heart Message from Daryl, Lisa and kids


Your brother Daryl has shared with me that he has so many childhood memories of fun and laughter that he has thought about often especially recently. He will really miss his little brother! I will really miss you too and so will your many nieces and nephews. We know you are at peace now and we are glad for that. Our hearts break and you will always be in our thoughts! We love you little brother.

Love, Daryl, Lisa and kids

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

David Nur Engle: 3/3/1963 - 1/6/2009

Dear Loved Ones,

This is Ananda and I would like to share special details with you who have been with David on many levels through his extraordinary journey. As you can tell from the definite tone of my words so far...he passed very peacefully this morning, sometime between 5:20am and 6:55am.

From the very moment when Jennifer and I awoke at 6:55am to see David near us, free of labored breath, there is the complete presence of lightness and ease in the air. Here, in the house he was raised, the house his family still inhabits with their children, he was surrounded with love and many opportunities to connect with those he needed to see, receive releasing words, be heard on what was truly in his heart, and have others hear him.

There are many stories to share from each person who was with him in these final few days. Jennifer, myself, William and Christina Sophia were warmly welcomed in Camarillo. There will likely be many different accounts and downloads as time goes on. As you know, one of David's most important and finest talents was to allow others to share, be heard and be present with their hearts authenticity through counseling and being a loving friend. So I'd like to share what occurred, the final moments in letting go of his own personal processes.

His breathing was labored all day but more so in the evening. He could sometimes form words, or sounds or just deep eye gazing. He was mentally alert every step of the way even with pain meds. He had been receiving many visitations by people all day but at this particular time Jennifer, Dawn (David's sister in law) and I were alone. We were encouraging him that he is free and can choose to stay in the pain or depart where there is bliss (the theme of the day from many people). But in this instance he showed a facial expression of anger while he and I looked deeply into each others eyes. I then saw him as just himself and mirrored how angry he is about leaving so early. He became animated and vocalized sounds of importance. I then mirrored that I would imagine he was angry with his body too...more angry sounds and expression emerged from his face & throat. His face and voice sounds said, you are hearing me! He was encouraged to go into his anger, we growled together so to speak and the process continued for possibly 20 or 30 minutes (more?).

After much expression and time had passed, I directed his attention to love, using metaphor to share that when we feel love for another person it can be so full and rich, real, but do we really know where it comes from? Where is the source? We call it 'the divine', nature, God..many names but its movement and power is a mystery. It is also a mystery when in life we find ourselves in difficult situations yet we continuously emerge and it continuously happens throughout life in various ways.

Then brought him back to...its a mystery that this happened to you, it makes no sense why, you are so young and vibrant, you wanted to continue your mission to help children and have children, and we just don't know, we just don't know. But the divine has guided you through life. Your mission will continue out of your body. You can still help people but in a bigger way. He then smiled extremely big and chuckled, looked at Jennifer and I and there was a great sense of peace that came over him. He was grateful to us all, everyone, happy and so loving. Jennifer showered him with baby kisses. He then wanted to make sure that his adoring primary caregiver extraordinaire, Jennifer, would be fine and she shared that she would. I told him she has my support and the men's group offered their loving support.

I told him that he can ask the beings of light around him many questions, listen to their answers and wisdom, be with them, they are here for you and he looked ahead of us and said 'do you see them?' (like they were in front of him) and I said 'I feel them'.

Soon after this he said 'I'm ready to die' and asked for Tana (his sister). William came in and we sat for what seemed like 2 hours touching his skin and gazing at him fully. Tana shared once again that she released him, William did the same. We encouraged him that we and he are one with everything, he is free and we are always connected. He then continued on and we respectively went to our beds.

Jennifer and I slept next to him, ready to help. In the early am he moaned loudly until we got out of bed. It was his way of getting our attention. He didn't want pain meds. Jennifer agreed to my washcloth'ing his upper body, which calmed him a lot. We then went back to sleep and awoke together at 6:55am, looked into each others eyes and realized he was no longer breathing. My heart raced powerfully yet there was great calm in the room, which instantly soothed me.

Jennifer and I called out loud, 'congratulations for making the big transition David, we are so happy for you, you did it, you did it!

Everyone who has come in the house since feels joy, peace sharing love and laughter and story. Relief that the suffering is over and joy that he is free. There is a feeling of completion.

I know this is a long e-mail but David's last moments were filled with great teachings on being present with feelings and authenticity to the very last moments, even when there were no words at all.

There will be a more detailed account on his blog from Jennifer, myself and others. Please continue to send him your prayers as he continues on his journey. There will likely be a ceremony service in honor of our beloved friend scheduled soon. Please keep checking David's website for details...all are welcome!

In deep gratitude and love,

Message from William ~ Jan 5th


David is in Camarillo (near Ventura) at his sisters house now... on the property where he was born. Family and friends have been sitting with David, playing music and holding him. Keeping him comfortable. He is breathing steady, alert most of the time because he is not overdosed with drugs (a blessing... so far). He could pass any moment. Occasionally he will have a hesitation in his breath and it is alarming. Many tears and emotions. Joy too... When his mom came into the room... When we put on a CD of his Dad singing Sufi songs, his eyes brightened and he exclaimed some words we couldn't understand... This morning (Monday) I called the mens group and they spoke and sang on the speaker phone, many times he just lit up. There are many tears and many joys too.

OK... heading back in to help and sooth.

We will keep you updated.

William, Christina, Ananda, the amazing trooper Jennifer, and David's family.

David's back in California ~ Jan 4th

Dear Beloveds of David,

The time has come when it seems David will pass over to the other side soon. The people around him have said that it looks like he will transition in the next few days, but of course no one knows.

He was moved from Mexico back to Camarillo, California late last night, January 3. David is in a bedroom in his sister Tana's home, with most of his extended family nearby. Ananda, William and Christina from Sebastopol, and Jen, who has been with him all along, are all there with David. He is not in much pain now. He is in and out of awareness, closes his eyes for a while and then opens them for a while. William and Christina were singing to him today.

I was asked to send this email to you, the people who love him, to request you to send extra love and light to David now.

Ananda will send email updates to this list every day if possible over the next few days.

Love and Light to you,

Kelly's home from Mexico ~ Jan 3rd

Dear sweet souls aligned in support of David...

I write to you from Boulder, Colorado. I am back home from Mexico as of this afternoon. My mission was accomplished - being at David's side, countless moments holding his hand and looking in his eyes. I was so moved by the amazing Goddess energy that came together to surround David this week - I'm referring to Tana, Jennifer and myself. Our synergy was beautiful - we worked together intuitively-well to serve David while also holding a sweet, angel energy in the space and for each other. It was my pleasure to witness David having many peaceful, joyful moments - one of my most favorite images is David holding a big smile, eyes closed, arms raised high blessing us with his immense grace and love.

No doubt that alongside the many sweet moments were challenges. Due to David's system rejecting and vomiting all food on Monday, the doctors inserted a tube through his nose that reached down to his stomach. This was done in order to offer his stomach a break and a drain by preventing additional convulsions and vomiting. This tube was to remain in place for 72 hours with no liquids through the mouth. In order to sustain David nutritionally, he was provided several calories, vitamins and minerals via IV. The doctor stopped by on Wednesday to say that if the drainage from the stomach continued to be so low, the tube would be removed on Thursday. Well David definitely heard this and thought he would take matters into his own hands... Wednesday night Tana was lying on the floor resting and Jennifer and I had both stepped out of the room for a bit - she to pay bills and me to catch a few breaths of cool air. When Jennifer re-entered the room David beckoned her over... on her way to his side, she noticed the tube [that was once down his throat] on the floor. She immediately informed me so we could assess together any damage or discomfort. David was rather pleased and looking relieved. Thankfully, no signs of damage or stress. Imagine David wearing a big smile while stating "I was a bad boy." Jennifer and I laughed and laughed - we all shared a very funny, sweet moment.

On Thursday, the doctors gave us the go ahead to resume water through the mouth so we gladly handed David sips of water throughout the day. By evening the water in his belly was causing lots of distress, bloating and gas. And I could only imagine this pressure was interfering with any tumor located in David's abdominal area. He was extremely uncomfortable and we worked diligently thinking/implementing ideas and talking with the doctors on how to relieve the gas. Eventually things settled and David was resting somewhat peacefully again.

Despite David lying in bed all week unable to sit up he showed amazing strength. We would assist him in moving his legs and arms to encourage circulation. He really enjoyed exercising - we all referred to the movements as rehabilitation. He mustered up incredible resistance while pressing his arms and legs into our hands. At one point David and I were in a perfect position for thumb wrestling so I invited him to play... we did - so sweet! So many, so many moments David was beyond endearing... I experienced an endearment like never before while observing his gestures and listening closely to his words.

The challenges were feeling bigger Thursday night through Friday as David was having difficulty breathing and catching his breath at times. All night I heard every inhale followed by every exhale... his breathing sounded so labored. Jennifer from the clinic came by frequently to perform laser therapy. Administering frequencies to the painful area in David's abdominals definitely calmed his breathing, but only temporarily. Jennifer reasoned the issues were due to internal inflammation, pain and stress/anxiety.

Also at the end of the week, David's feet were cold despite the warmth of his upper body. Dr. Munos said this was a circulation problem and blood flow wasn't ample down David's legs and feet.

I received a call from Jennifer today who said that on Saturday David expressed his desire to be with his family. Fulfilling David's request, Jennifer and Tana called other family members for additional hands and a van by which to transport David. Operation "move north" was successfully completed during the middle of Saturday night. This morning, David was requesting the presence of his family members who have all been lovingly at his side.

Please see David's vibrant light body. Trust and have complete faith in his Spirit to guide him.

Your prayers of absolute love and comfort are called for in this moment. Collectively let us give back to David ALL the love and light he has shared with all of us for all of these years.

In full gratitude...

Love & Blessings to All,


Looking for a Healing Angel to offer PT/MT or Acupuncture‏ ~ Dec 31st

Greetings to All from Tijuana ~

This is Kelly... I arrived here mid-day on Monday to join David, Jennifer and Brian. Thanks to Brian, you've all been updated since. As the subject of this email suggests, a loving angel from David's community who practices Physical Therapy, Massage or Acupuncture would be a wonderful asset to his direct healing circle. Please feel free to pass this email on if you know a potential resource. I'd also like to mention that if someone is interested and money is a limitation, I'd be happy to sponsor you. David has been solely lying on his back and as Jennifer and I have been providing lots and lots of massage and easy movements, it would be awesome for someone with a PT/MT or Acupuncture specialty to offer their healing powers to David's mind-body. He is receiving and retaining fluids via IV - the doctor stopped by earlier and said the retention/swelling in different parts of his body is normal and expected given his very limited movement.

If you're interested, please contact Jennifer - preferably by email as phone reception is very tricky.

Jennifer's info:

Kelly's info:

More... Jennifer and I will continue easy exercises and moving David to each side throughout the day as the doctor recommended to encourage circulation. David had a really deep, sound sleep last night (allowing Jennifer and I to catch some ZZZzzzzzs too). Yesterday David was very peaceful and rested lots. He woke today around 7:30a and a new day began with IVs and more massage. He has been resting on/off today and I just looked over to see him gazing around. His eyes take in so much... checking everything and everyone out around him. His words are difficult to understand... and yet I have found ways to decipher his requests. The doctor also mentioned today that David's immune system has gained strength and resuming chemo is a strong possibility - perhaps this Friday. Tana is on her way to join us... we expect her within the hour - Yey!

'til the next update...

Love, Blessings & Happy New Year!


Brian's home from Mexico ~ Dec 30th

hi loves of david,

brian here. i just got back today from tijuana (TJ they call it) with david this past week. little clarification and an update i just received from kelly on the phone just now.

david is receiving fluids and nutrients, including a 1200 calories liquid IV drip each day and the dr. told me yesterday that he can survive with the IV fluid for several days without ingesting any fluids orally. that was a relief for me to hear.

kelly said that david is doing much better today (i was alone with him through the first hour of the vomiting phase yesterday- jennifer was at the clinic). he's more comfortable physically and has not complained about the drainage tube up his nose. she sat with him most of the day, held his hand, didn't talk much and let him rest, which is what the doctor requested.

his platelets and immune system is improving which is positive news and is encouraging to the doctors.

just to be clear: this clinic is AMAZING: simple technology and highly effective treatment (which i got to witness people's recovery first hand). the challenge with david has been that he has not been able to build his immunity up to the point to receive the benefits of this clinic--the highly effective manner in which they kill cancer in the body (more on that another time).

clearly, david's trip to ventura set him back with regard to his immunity (as well as many other things like taxing the liver with major overdose of pharmaceuticals, for example) and they are now just at the place in mexico where his system is finally beginning to respond. the big question is can he bounce back.

if you believe in targeted energy this would be the place to focus. the next few days are critical, for although david's spirit is strong and resilient, his body very fragile and weak still and, in my opinion, is really testing his spirit's patience right now.

i will write a more thorough piece later, i flew out this morning with less than 3 hours of sleep, worked all day, got home at 9:30 pm and am leaving town tomorrow am for a few more days.

so....for now, warm thoughts for a happy new year,

Calling for Prayers ~ Dec 29th

Dear Beloveds who care about David Engle,

Jennifer called from Mexico today (Mon., 12/29) to ask for prayers for David. He currently has a block in his digestive system which is causing him to throw up all food. This has resulted in Doctor's orders to drink only water until they figure out what the blockage is and how/if they can repair it. He will only survive a few days on water alone if there is not a breakthrough.

Wanted you to know David's current critical state. He is currently not in very much pain, thank Goddess.

Also, Jennifer asked David last night if he was ready to pass to the other side and he said, "No! I want to live!" Please pray for his highest good and specifically for the digestive block to be removed.

Love to you,

Update from Mexico on Christmas Day

Hello Everyone on Christmas day, I know most of you have been waiting to hear how David's life journey is coming along. David and I have been riding the "unknown" with you this whole time, waiting from moment to moment- breathing in breaths of belief, light and peace; if you only knew the whole story- it's truly amazing. David and I started a journal and photo album while he was staying at the Venture hospital in Southern California.

I am deeply sorry it's taken so long to write- we know how you've been waiting and it's frustrating not getting to you right away. However, there was not a moment to spare. The current of events, activities, and healing regiments have been non-stop and obviously the priority. David's and my supreme focus the last 3 weeks has been transitioning carefully back to the San Diego cancer clinic in Tijuana. Beyond that- David's and my focus has been initiating the deepest level of healing he's ever gone though before. Both of us have stepped into the unknown and springs of deep soul renewal and courage have accompanied David this whole way.

I am Jennifer Faubert, David's good friend, and business partner. David and I started this healing journey together in August when he wasn't feeling well and we reunited during his stay at Venture Hospital 3+ weeks ago. David asked me to stand by him through this health challenge and we made a pact to do it together. I'll be staying with David as long as he requests. My belief in his spirit is supreme and I'm so clear of my purpose here and our intensions. My commitment is to be an anchor for what his spirit wants. It will unfold in front of all of us in time.

Leila and Tana, David's sisters and I have been looking at how open to be in this latest update with you all and in discussing it with David, he wants you to really know his journey, his joys and sadness the last few weeks. Our lives have floated along like buoys through the tide pools and waves and our courage and belief in what's possible have kept us going, focused and relatively peaceful in a sea of other peoples opinions and our tides of emotions.

I'm not sure where the last update left off, so here's a brief recap: In November David's cancer specialist, Dr. Munos recommended that David get a procedure done that wasn't offered at the clinic in Mexico. Heather Haun, David's last caregiver, took David to a hospital just over the border in the US to facilitate this. Dr. Munos also recommended radiation on a vertebrae in David's neck could greatly reduce his pain from bone cancer. David's family found a hospital nearer to them in Ventura County, Southern California where he stayed over a week, received radiation and was loved and cared for by his family.

Although the radiation appears to have greatly reduced David's neck pain, the hospital stay was extremely taxing on his immune system because of the intensity of narcotics and other pharmaceuticals given to him. David also encountered immense opposition from his doctors regarding his belief that he can heal, in his belief in alternative medicine and choosing the right pathway for him. I remember being there at the hospital everyday and the doctors would come and remind him of his predicament, and essentially remind us of their shortcomings as physicians. During these days David raised up to be an even more magnificent warrior and despite what the doctors verbally re-enforced, despite the heavy sedation meds, he got stronger, became more active and clearer everyday and requested to return to Dr. Munos as soon as possible as that was always David's first choice.

Dean, David's brother, and I urgently organized David's hospital exit back to Mexico. With just over a day, each of David's family members, along with Alyssa, David's good friend and past wife experience and myself hustled our butts to put all the ends together. Tana, Nathan, Tana's husband, Alyssa and myself traveled by mini van and by car transporting David, our stuff and groceries back to Mexico.

I knew that David's health during the transition and the coming weeks would be very fragile; there was dealing with the cancer, but now dealing with the effects and residuals of his hospital stays. We want to be clear how it's been, but above everything else David wants you to know and I want to share how extraordinary and remarkable his resiliency has been. There have been times when I wondered if he'd make it through and he has each time. David knew each and every step that this was just one more marker to pass towards healing. Two steps forward, one huge step back and then one giant leap forward. I've been blown away and deeply inspired by our ability to keep believing and loving our way through these challenges and accepting the gems and lessons of each day. David's resilience is golden and flowing.

Here's just a very narrow snapshot of a few things David and I have been dealing with. At the hospital David was dosed with a couple heavy narcotics that are known to have very dangerous side effects to a person in his condition and his doses were dangerously high. After arriving back to Mexico David's hallucinations deeply intensified from the meds. During our first week in Mexico Dr. Munos decided to carefully eliminate these drugs and replaced them with other gentle pain meds. However, even after removing the meds David's hallucinations kept intensifying and he went into morphine withdrawals. This was extremely intense and constant for David and me. It's been over two weeks now- the doctors have been detoxifying him and his hallucinations and disorientation are almost gone.

David was also dealing with the effects of radiation to his neck. I hear from Leila and the Doctors here that the radiation is like having the worst sunburn of your life multiplied by 2 or 3 and now imagine putting that inside your throat. They also said that the radiation effects will persist and may increase over the coming weeks. Our first week down here David had unbelievable throat pain; he was so scared to swallow that he'd hold on to any liquids or saliva in his mouth. Constantly around the clock our first week here David would choke every 10 minutes. It was like watching someone drawing in water- it was very scary for both of us. We quickly developed an emergency plan to deal with the choking.

It's been 24/7 the last couple weeks and David knew that he just had to get through it, it was temporary, it was something happening to his body and we'd get through it. I'd love all of you to know that although David's immune system is extremely fragile; his resiliency has brought him some GREAT improvements over the last couple weeks.

David's pain level has dropped so low now, to where it was mid August. He mostly sleeps through the nights and he's started putting on a bit of weight. His digestive system is actively up and running, most of his blood markers are looking up and up, he swallows now, drinks and just starting eating again last night. And his clarity of mind is rapidly returning as his body now is detoxifying.

David's on an extensive, time-consuming health regiment that I'm administering through guidance from his doctors. David and I also start off and end most days with prayer/meditation/visualization work, light stretching with lots and lots of body work and lymphatic message through the day and night. It's funny because during the summer he talked about wanting to experience the life of Sophie, his cat. He wondered how it was to be a pampered cat. Well David's getting all of it now.

The community here at the Dali Suites, where we have residency is sooo supportive, collective and loving. All the courageous souls- people with cancer and their caregivers that have traveled from all over the States and the world- we share our stories, our sadness and most all our victories together. Cindy, a nurse from Florida who left her family and work two months ago to be here for her brother, David, who has cancer in his pancreas, liver, lymph nodes, adrenals and who has various dangerous complications, has become a close friend. Cindy's taught me how to give needles, and tricks about giving IVs. We take turns crying on each other shoulders when we're scared or frustrated. When we have positive updates about our David's we run to each other. Yesterday she shared how her brother’s tumors have reduced dramatically and after two months his body is finally starting to heal. There is another man I met that first came to the clinic with only 4 days to live the doctors’ say. He had pancreatic cancer. These days he's almost clear, healthy, vibrant and active. I've been told this is the place where miracles happen. There are many stories and people like this here. We've all become so close.

David is in love with all the lovely people that come around from Dali suites to visit him and they are in love with him; his brilliant smile melts everyone’s heart. There is a house keeper, Marta, who only speaks Spanish, but each time she sees David, she cries because she feels his heart and she explains that he has a Corazon muy granda. She has been an amazing support.

At the San Diego Clinic, most of the people have stage 4 cancer or have been classified as terminal by their oncologists back home. The clinic is very modest, and quiet where people receive their treatment if they're strong enough to go in each day. The team of doctors is soooo loving, so kind and generous. Dr. Mancillas is personally attending to David and he always greets me with the biggest bear hugs, and reminds David and I that we are such big people- we are so strong and he loves us. David to him is the "BIG MAN" courageous like a giant.

David is clear that getting through this is only worth while if he has a life that's worth living- and he doesn't want to go back to living the same life he had. When you're looking at death you get clear what doesn't work, what you've been surviving and putting up with in your life- what may have given you the cancer in the first place, and if your desire and will is big enough you reach for what you're REALLY committed to, what really makes your heart sing. For David it's Joy, Love and doing his service work.

David also knows how much all of you adore and care for him deeply. During the times he was hallucinating he actually talked about you in his dreams. I heard many of your names mentioned over and over again. He was actually worried about many of you. In this time of facing pain and dis-ease he's thinking of your wellbeing along with his own. And his Xango business partners- he's done so many 3-way presentations for you during the days and at nights. Some nights I tell him to stop working Xango and go to sleep. I say wouldn't you like to dream about other things like Angels or dolphins or beautiful fields, and he says my Xango people need me. He says he has to be there for people and I say be there for yourself and they'll take care of themselves- they're capable.

Just to add a note about David's dreams... Winnie the Pooh has been a popular visitor here- he often dances on the ceiling, so have Archangel Michael and Master Hilarian. We also have a family of yellow duckies living in our apt David's made friends with. I call David Happy Feet because he wiggles them around day and night, and he has decided that the best use for his belly button is as a pill holder, so when it's time for meds or vitamins I put it in his belly button- it's actually a very practical choice. Despite all the scares and ups and downs we have fun and good laughs.

Many of you have been calling and calling his cell or mine and I'm so sorry we haven't been available. We virtually have no reception here the last couple weeks. Beyond that there's no time now to monitor all his calls, voicemails or emails. I kindly ask that only David's family and a few of David's closest closest friends call him in a week. We're in contact with his family during the week and when David is up for speaking and wants to speak to any you we'll call. David knows how much you love him and I remind him of this everyday. Also a number of you send emails strongly suggesting what I should be doing with David and feeding him- again I thank you for your deep care and good intentions, please trust trust trust that David is in excellent hands with his team of world class cancer doctors/ special cancer nutritionists. Also my background (among many things) is as a cleansing and detoxification coach & consultant and I used to run a very specialized restaurant for people with health challenges- David's team here is united and has his back.

If any of David's closest friends want to come down, David and I can use the assistance, but please know that you'll be working with me side by side through out much of the day and night. If you're an extremely attentive and observant person we can use your help. And just a heads up- the Dali Suites charges an extra $15 per person per night, if you come down you'll have to cover those costs because David's budget doesn't allow for this, thank you!

If any of you would like to send mail or packages, please use the clinic's address in San Diego. Items will be brought across to the boarder to us:

David Engle/ Jennifer Faubert 555 Saturn Blvd. 452-B, San Diego, CA, 92154

For future updates please refer to David's Blog posted and written by Kelly LaValley.

Again thank you everyone for holding a space of clear possibility for David and his life, thank you for all your support- the seen and unseen, known and unknown. Thank you for the love and contribution.

On behalf of David and myself- have wonderful holidays.

With Gladness, Love & Resiliency,

David & Jennifer

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Update from Mexico ~ Dec 10th

As mentioned in the previous blog, David safely arrived back in Mexico this past weekend. David is working with a fantastic team of doctors who are incorporating nutritional balance and support into his treatment.

Visualize all of us holding each other, David and his caretakers in a beautiful temple of light.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Message from David ~ Dec 8th

David safely arrived in Mexico this past Saturday. From his place of power, he made the decision to return to the care of Dr. Munos.

He has a message for his loving, supportive community...

"I'm feeling good and I am comfortable. I am connecting to Spirit. I trust based on everything that is unfolding. My heart tells me I'm moving in the right direction. All the people I'm connecting with at the clinic... I smile and a beautiful, authentic smile comes right back."

Love to All

Thursday, December 4, 2008

CONCERT BENEFIT for our sweet DAVID ~ FRI, DEC 5th @ 6PM

In late September our dear friend David Engle learned that he had stage 4 cancer. To help raise funds for David’s staggering medical expenses, we invite you to come and Pray, Sing, Dance and Bid with us! Let’s offer David the very best of what it means to be community and give him our loving care and support. Here are the details:

FRI DEC 5, 6PM Center for Spiritual Living Santa Rosa


WHITEBEAR & the Bear Bones Band
Dance Music with the Magical Rockin’ Reggae sounds of Whitebear & The Bear Bones Band.

Uplifting folk Music by William Florian, formerly of the New Christy Minstrels. Seniors Love this Show ~ Bring your Folks!

Singer, songwriter and comedian, Teresa Tudury charges her bluesy songs with passion and humor.


Center for Spiritual Living Santa Rosa
2075 Occidental Rd, Santa Rosa
Suggested Donation $15 - $500
(Sliding scale. No one turned away for lack of funds!)
Advance tickets available at Milk and Honey and The Sensuality Shop, both in Sebastopol. If you can't join us, donations can be made to:
David Engle, 8474 Sonoma Avenue, Sebastopol CA 95472

For more information on David, his progress and more fundraising events, please go to the following website:

Massage'arama Fundraiser ~ a Retrospective

Photo: Prayer circle headed by Alyssa with the MTs, musicians and some participants present. After Alyssa, others had the opportunity to send prayers to David, those sick and unaccounted and to the planet.

With over 30 volunteer practitioners (including esoteric readers) and a non-stop flow of clients streaming in, Massage'arama was a huge success! Scott from Laguna farms brought Chili, Salad & Cornbread. Andy's Market donated 2 cases of fruit, Sonoma County pictoral Calendars were donated for all the volunteers to receive and David from Slice of Life was so moved by the energy in the hall he rushed back to an already closed restaurant, made pizza and brought it back for all the hungry, tired MTs. Special thanks to Alyssa, William, Ananda (moi), Sierra, Evalena Rose, Gayla (Maharaj her dog) & Karen (the admission table angels), our outside door sentry (name?), all the stellar musicians who maintained serene sound healing and everyone who volunteered to get the word out to the community and show up to help/participate at this event.

Thanks to you, Massage'arama met its financial goal for contributing to the David Engle Health fund!


... and Many thanks to Ananda for this wonderful photo and update!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Drum Circle Fundraiser ~ a Retrospective

Dear David, his family and friends,

Our drum circle Saturday ~ 11/29 ~ was very powerful, beautiful and fun. We were sending some strong healing vibrations David's way for sure. Sahar facilitated a deep healing energy session in the middle and we all hoped David was feeling the loving energy being sent his way. We now are all connected and I am so impressed by the love and support we are manifesting at this time.

We are all blessed to have David in our lives!
Love, Peace and Joy,
Diana Laczkowski

Saturday, November 29, 2008

David's Courageous Journey ~ Day 34‏

Greetings and Salutations Friends and Family ~

Although I have returned home to Sonoma County, energetically and spiritually I still feel as if I am right by David's side. I have never felt so protective of someone in my whole life and I imagine this is the way a mother feels for her child. Let us anchor the divine healing spiritual angel energy in and around David.

The treatment and prayers thus far are working in David's favor. David is pursuing the right course of treatment and his courageous journey continues. Energetically he is getting stronger and doing better. He is now in a place where he can be with his family and he is happy and peaceful and under wonderful care. He has already won the hearts of the hospital staff and is in good hands. At this time it is of the utmost importance that we cast away any doubt and not be consumed by sadness or fear. In our minds we must rest at peace that David is on the perfect journey and get out of the way so that God, the angels and unseen forces ("workies") can do their work. Continue to visualize David in perfect health, his eyes and face are radiating beauty, he is more handsome now than ever. His color is back and there is such luster to his skin. He is eating now, he jokes around and is genuinely peaceful. There is a huge possibility that he will make it through this and his family and friends are helping him with stretching, massage and keeping his circulation going and his spirit up. There are so many angels, spirit guides and ascended masters among us. What we need is something to live for, something to work for. In our society and our culture cancer is so wrapped in fear. Remember that this is David's journey, this is his learning, and we are so magnificent, we are powerful healers beyond measure and our thoughts and our minds manifest reality, so choose the good ones! Expect a miracle! A spiritual healing is in the works, how do I know? The angels told me so.

Visit to make donations and/or keep posted on the upcoming benefits (massagearama tomorrow at Odd Fellows in Sebastopol, and benefit concert this coming Friday night at Center for Spiritual Living). Thank you to Kelly for keeping up the blog and thank you to Jennifer for anchoring that faithful spirited healing light and energy with us all now. Thank you to Marissa for the wonderful book on spiritual healing. Thank you to all of you who with your thoughts and intentions are helping so very much.

It is so important that the whole community and all David's support group hold hope and peacefulness in their hearts, minds and energies. Blessings to all of you, we have felt the love pouring out of you. So much Love and Light to You, David's family, friends and supporters, Keep up the Good Work, and expect only good!

Heather Haun on behalf of David Nur Engle and the Fraley Family

In the words of David's amazing Grandfather, Fatha Engle, American National Representative for the Sufi Movement, "meditate on love and seek the energy of God in our whole being, body, mind and heart and desire it above all else".

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Film Screening Fundraiser ~ a Retrospective

The first fundraiser in a series to benefit David was held this past Sunday, Nov 23rd... a screening for the Leonardo DiCaprio film the 11th Hour. Forty five community members came together to watch a most inspiring film that facilitated beautiful connections - definitely David's community! This amazing group showed up to support David... and the intention is to keep going even stronger! There are a number of upcoming fundraisers everyone is encouraged to attend. The mission is to co-create financial abundance to cover David's steep medical expenses. These events are a wonderful opportunity to socialize with friends (or make new ones!) and raise the necessary funds for David.

*Nov 29th:
Drumming at 2 Acre Wood in Sebastopol
4pm to 8pm

*Nov 30th:
Massage'arama at Odd Fellows Hall in Sebastopol
4pm to 9pm

*Dec 5th:
Benefit concert & Healing Ritual at Santa Rosa Church of Religious Science
6pm to 10pm

Details for each event are provided in previous blogs.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Update from David ~ Tuesday, Nov 25th

David's words at 11:00 AM PST:

I settled in peacefully to a hospital near my family. I'm in the process of connecting with the oncologist to determine appropriate radiation for the lesions mentioned in the last blog. Also, further diagnostics are being performed to find the primary tumor.

Thank you for all your prayers and love. Thank you to everyone who attended the recent fundraiser - I appreciate your financial contributions and support.

I love everyone.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Update on David ~ Sunday, Nov 23rd

Provided by David's dear friend, Heather:

Dear Friends & Family ~

Sorry it’s been so long since we’ve given an update, it’s been pretty eventful. Last Thursday Dr. Munos confirmed that David would need a stint in the bile duct of his liver so we found Dr. Mikhail “the stint expert” 8 miles north of the Mexican border. Into the shuttle we went on a rush basis since Dr. Mikhail could see us right away. After Dr. Mikhail examined David, the procedure was scheduled for Friday morning. Dr. Mikhail wanted several blood tests among other things before the procedure, so we made our way over to Paradise Valley Hospital lab to have blood drawn. David couldn’t sit in the lab for as long as drawing blood took, so we found ourselves in the emergency room where a team of medical angels quickly began to express their extreme professional concern for David (he was looking quite yellow from the obstruction in the liver). Long story short he was admitted that night and we’ve been here in the hospital ever since. The procedure went extremely well and thereafter an oncologist, Dr. Johnson - a cancer specialist, was called in to talk to David. David’s sister Tana and brother Dean arrived late Friday night to help (thank God). Several tests were ordered, an MRI of the brain and neck and a CT scan of the abdomen. The MRI confirmed the lesions on the base of the skull and C1, and also revealed a lesion about the size of a pea (that we weren’t aware of) in the left temporal lobe of David’s brain. The CT scan showed the stint was successfully in place, open and draining. The only effective treatment for the lesion on the brain and the bones of the skull and neck is linear accelerator radiation, also known as external beam radiation. After consulting with Dr. Munos, it was agreed that the best course of action would be to move David closer to his family, to a hospital that offers this type of radiation and go through with the treatment. Dean, Tana and I went to Tijuana this morning (Sunday) to clean out the room and collect David’s hospital bed and some other stuff. David's other brother, Eric is coming with a mini van that will make a comfortable bed for David as he's transported to a hospital that can provide the treatment he needs. For those of you who are scheduled to come down to Tijuana to help David, please standby as we will very likely need your assistance at the hospital near Camarillo, or in Tijuana if David opts to return there after the treatment here in the states.

David says “My deepest heartfelt thanks to all of you who are part of my legion of healing angels in the myriad of different ways that you offer support, all of it is very important and deeply appreciated.”

Continue to visit for updates and more information. Your financial contributions are so so so very appreciated. Please know that we have not been on line and any emails sent in the last four days have not been read. Thank you infinitely for all your prayers and continued visualization of David’s healing. It’s working.

So much Love and Light,

Heather on behalf of David Engle

Friday, November 21, 2008

A Call For Helping Hands

Helping hands are needed for the upcoming fund raising events. If you feel inspired to help the organziers help David, please have a look at what's needed and who to contact to get involved!

1) Post concert posters in surrounding towns: Sebastopol, Santa Rosa, Guerneville, Cotati, Petaluma, etc.

2) 10 people (or more) to bring healthy finger foods to the Nov 30th MassageArama in Sebastopol and the Dec 5th Concert in Santa Rosa. Each platter should serve 20 or more people.

3) Tell everyone you know about the upcoming fund raising events - small flyers are available for distribution. Pick up a MassageArama flyer at Milk & Honey in Sebastopol, have copies made to hand out.

4) Donation items for the Silent Auction (happening at the Dec 5th event) can be dropped off to Maya 707-823-5900.

5) Donate your time at events: set up, clean up, etc.

MassageArama Producers:
William 707-524-7898, Alyssa 707-827-3242

Dec 5th Concert Producers:
White Bear 707-887-8702, Tom 707-829-9700, William 707-524-7898

Your help is greatly appreciated! ...when there's co-creation, Anything is Possible!

Reminder of events

*Nov 23rd:
Film Screening Benefit of the movie The 11th Hour at the Sebastopol Community Center

*Nov 29th:
Drumming at 2 Acre Wood in Sebastopol

*Nov 30th:
Massage'arama at Odd Fellows Hall in Sebastopol

*Dec 5th:
Benefit concert & Healing Ritual at Santa Rosa Church of Religious Science

Details for each event are provided in previous blogs.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

David's 23rd Day in Mexico

Dearest Heather provides us with another update:



Beloved Family & Friends ~

Monday was a Mexican holiday so we found out Tuesday that the pain specialist who was supposed to administer the cortisone-anesthesia for the pain in David’s neck was away at a convention, along with all the other pain specialists in Mexico, and the soonest available appointment would be next Monday unless we wanted to drive to San Diego and get the procedure done by someone else. I got mad and wanted to control the world, David handled it really well. The appointment is scheduled for this coming Monday at 1:00pm with the pain specialist in Tijuana. David is taking more pain drips now, which is good and bad. Good because he feels less pain and can sleep more, bad because it diminishes his appetite and causes a lot of grogginess.

Today was chemo day. We got up and ready to be shuttled to the clinic, but, gratefully, Dr. Mancilla brought the treatment here to the apt./hotel room (being upright for any length of time sends David’s neck pain level sky high, imagine a bumpy shuttle ride in the potholed streets of Tijuana, ouch). David handled the chemo so well, with just a little nausea and minor vomiting only after a pain drip later this evening. One of the many treatments David is getting is called Insulin Low-Dose Chemotherapy (Insulin Potentiation Therapy or IPT). Oversimplified, this type of treatment starves the cancer cells of glucose (which they live on) through fasting and then raising the insulin through iv drip, then administering the chemo when the cancerous (apoptotic) cells are vulnerable. This means that a far smaller quantity of chemotherapeutic drugs are needed to achieve death of cancer cells. This also means there is less toxicity to normal cells and fewer side effects.

Dr. Sanchez drew blood yesterday and it looked like the color of Xango juice to me!

There may be the possibility of stinting the liver, which would be done by laparoscopy or endoscopy. If that can be held off, then the doctors can proceed with the liver surgery without having to put a stint in the liver. The liver surgery is estimated to cost between $14,000 to $25,000. At this point it’s a waiting game to see if the chemo is effectively reducing the size of the tumors. We find that out with the next round of cat scans in a couple weeks. We will also know more about the status of the liver when the blood work lab results come back.

Then there’s the other treatments: the vaccine shots, the bone building drip to help the bones at the top of the spine and base of the skull, the detox drip, the immune building drip, the vitamin drips, the anti-inflammatory drip, the anti-oxidant drip... Honestly it’s rather constant and David is doing great, all things considered.

Infinite gratitude to all of you, it is indescribable to read the emails and hear the phone messages of all the people David has touched and who love him and support him so very much.

Keep sending the prayers and healing energies and good vibes. It all helps!

Infinite Love & Gratitude