Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Brian's home from Mexico ~ Dec 30th

hi loves of david,

brian here. i just got back today from tijuana (TJ they call it) with david this past week. little clarification and an update i just received from kelly on the phone just now.

david is receiving fluids and nutrients, including a 1200 calories liquid IV drip each day and the dr. told me yesterday that he can survive with the IV fluid for several days without ingesting any fluids orally. that was a relief for me to hear.

kelly said that david is doing much better today (i was alone with him through the first hour of the vomiting phase yesterday- jennifer was at the clinic). he's more comfortable physically and has not complained about the drainage tube up his nose. she sat with him most of the day, held his hand, didn't talk much and let him rest, which is what the doctor requested.

his platelets and immune system is improving which is positive news and is encouraging to the doctors.

just to be clear: this clinic is AMAZING: simple technology and highly effective treatment (which i got to witness people's recovery first hand). the challenge with david has been that he has not been able to build his immunity up to the point to receive the benefits of this clinic--the highly effective manner in which they kill cancer in the body (more on that another time).

clearly, david's trip to ventura set him back with regard to his immunity (as well as many other things like taxing the liver with major overdose of pharmaceuticals, for example) and they are now just at the place in mexico where his system is finally beginning to respond. the big question is can he bounce back.

if you believe in targeted energy this would be the place to focus. the next few days are critical, for although david's spirit is strong and resilient, his body very fragile and weak still and, in my opinion, is really testing his spirit's patience right now.

i will write a more thorough piece later, i flew out this morning with less than 3 hours of sleep, worked all day, got home at 9:30 pm and am leaving town tomorrow am for a few more days.

so....for now, warm thoughts for a happy new year,

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