Sunday, January 11, 2009

Heart Message from Shanna Rose

David love story:

I first met David at the Celebration of Eros Conference at Harbin in the summer about 10 years ago. It was the Saturday night dance, and he was dressed beautifully to perform the part of Shiva (of course!) with Shakti. He had a blue crescent moon painted on his forehead, snake bracelets on his arms, a jeweled vest, and cool hippie pants. Mostly what I remember were those shining blue eyes... We'd been flirting all day, and I sat in the front row, riveted to his dance performance. It then broke up into a free-style DJ'd dance, and we found one another on the dance floor. In the next space of time we danced our attraction, our chemistry, our magnetism- getting closer and closer until we ended up in each others' arms. It was like making love through dance, something I'd never experienced before. David was a lover of many, and his shining blue eyes will live on in all of our hearts.

Shanna Rose

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