Sunday, January 11, 2009

Heart Message from Sahar Pinkham


As a chiropractor, I found his demeanor to be one of a loving parent; taking great care to see to my comfort and well-being. He brought a wealth of tools to his work from which he would tailor our sessions. Whether he supported me with guided imagery or breath work or massage, I floated through each session.

Of all the many tools he had developed, his greatest was (and is) his compassionate Heart.

As a friend, he was generous and authentic. Two traits that embodied his desire to help: to help all people. Especially children. It was his desire to earn enough money through his business that he could retire allowing him the freedom to devote himself to helping children.

As a presenter, he was again the authentic and gentle man I knew. He offered his depth of insight into the human condition along with exercises designed to allow us to see both our blindness and our greatness. This he also shared with beauty and ease.

What may stand out for me most about David was (and is) his kindness. A trait that shows great discipline of thought, a depth of soul, and an open Heart. In the many years that I knew him not once did I hear him utter anything less that kindness towards and about others.

David, thank you for Blessing us.

"May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields.
And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of his hand."

Loving you,

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