Sunday, February 8, 2009

Heart Message from Christina Sophia

Here is what I would have shared about David (at his Celebration of Life & Spirit), had there been more time. I wrote this last week and now added a few thoughts......

I met David Engle 11 years ago thru Motherwavework and have been a friend since that time. We connected over that period in a variety of ways.

The image of David which has left the strongest impression on me over all these years is that David's life was all about LIVING LOVE ~ BEING love and BEING connection. To some of us who knew him in the Motherwave days ~ where David participated largely, becoming a trainer, motherwave practitioner and teacher about being with and feeling emotions as a means of healing ~ he was the 'FIRE ANGEL' ~ a name he gave himself then and which he always announced with great PASSION!

Hugger extraordinaire! (His hugs were very special ~ like coming home to LOVE and getting grounded in it) .... On so many occasions he had magic up his sleeves!

He helped me so sweetly, kindly and gently in a very painful time to feel heard so many years ago. We danced together as Shiva and Shakti in the Living Goddess Dance show in Marin where as part of his costume he wore a large crescent moon covering his forehead (can't you just see him in that?) He and Sierra Wilde officiated at our Tantric/spiritual wedding ceremony and did a beautiful amazing job of making it a magical and powerful day for everyone. He always rose to an occasion and we could always count on having a good time with David present. He was fun and funny. He could relate with and be love with any kind of person. In his Xango business he found the opportunity to have a much wider and larger group of people to include in his circle. It was a perfect expression for him and his expansiveness and to spread his influence and love in a much larger way with his very large vision. He was always inclusive, never exclusive.

Today my heart cracks open a little more just thinking of him and the gift he was to life, and how we will miss him in the body! He lived large and he was large in his dying. He, the personality wanted to keep on living his passion more than anything, to keep on being the leader to the people he loved, to keep on moving toward his goal of attracting the money and supporting his Xango team so he and others could become the philanthropists that he dreamed of being in the world. He wanted that so much! He wanted so much to contribute in the big way that his mentors at Xango could do~ to the well being of children around the world. He always talked about children.... being someone who would help make life better for every child. His vision was as big as his heart!

I have come to realize that his death, his passing into the unseen worlds has been a HUGE GIFT to all of us ~ his friends, his loved ones. For a long time he didn't want to go, he didn't want to 'give up' on his life and take his next step as a soul for fear of letting us down (especially his Xango colleagues). Finally, he did surrender to the creative Universe and into the hands of the all loving friends, family and ascended masters who were waiting for him, reaching out to him. I believe that in his soul he had something else in mind for himself and was being called home to work on a 'higher' level. Yet it does take time and a certain skill to really let go of the body and the earth plane (a spirit has to have enough of its energy to be able to leave the 3rd dimension successfully). He was exquisitely, skillfully midwifed to the end ~ testament I think to the unfoldment of his greater purpose. He surrendered to love and into love and passed from his body in a state of joy, peace and grace. In his life he carried the sacred in his heart and shared it with all of us in many ordinary, yet intimate moments. He helped us to remember the depth and the largeness of our own beings just by being with him. And in his passing his gift to us, among many perhaps is once again to show us the sacred-ness of all life, the beauty and power than we all carry in our hearts and which is nothing if not shared. To do this we must believe in ourselves as the divine and believe in our greatness as co-creators with the divine while releasing the fears of the small self.

His gift in his living and his dying teaches me and shows the way to be in life as fully as I am able, to find and stand in what is in my heart alone to give. To believe in my own uniqueness, voice, message, gifts, to not sell myself short.... in a way that goes beyond ego needs. To love myself and accept myself more so that I can be myself with others in the most heartful, loving and contributory way. To live and be contribution. That was his example to us all.....

AND..... I am SO aware of the fine balancing act this really is....To love and care for oneself physically as well as others. This was not something David had mastered in the sense of really making a difference in his own health. I believe David's living and dying were the perfect expression of him and that it was time for him to leave the earth. Yet, I feel strongly that another message to us in his leaving the earth plane is for all of us to pay more attention and care to the signs and cries for help from our own bodies; to be pro-active in our self care in every way possible so that we may possibly die in a less physically painful way. Always remember that pain or discomfort is a communication from your body that something you are doing in your way of living is not working for it energetically and physically. Though if you are actively working energetically and physically to detoxify these are sometimes an expression of that. Sometimes these signs are only the manifestation of a spiritual problem that will not have an obvious or easy physical solution but often we need to address both the physical and the spiritual root in ourselves.

There are so many things we can do deliberately to make a difference in our own well-being, wellness and health. So please, allow me to encourage you to begin where you know you need to and for more ideas on how you can take positive actions toward this in your own life you are welcome to contact me at my e-mail address:
I would love to be able to support you and also do this kind of coaching and counseling for actual remuneration in the world as I have a great deal of knowledge, information and practical ideas of how to do it in your life, and I care about YOU! But I am also willing to share with you if you are unable to take it on in this manner as a service to humanity and the earth. (I am a former R.N. and have been oriented to fitness, studied and experimented on myself nutritionally for my whole adult life, as well as learned from several brilliant practitioners.)

Love and many Blessings to you in your quest to be fully expressed and Feelin' good in life!

Christina Sophia

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