Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Kelly's home from Mexico ~ Jan 3rd

Dear sweet souls aligned in support of David...

I write to you from Boulder, Colorado. I am back home from Mexico as of this afternoon. My mission was accomplished - being at David's side, countless moments holding his hand and looking in his eyes. I was so moved by the amazing Goddess energy that came together to surround David this week - I'm referring to Tana, Jennifer and myself. Our synergy was beautiful - we worked together intuitively-well to serve David while also holding a sweet, angel energy in the space and for each other. It was my pleasure to witness David having many peaceful, joyful moments - one of my most favorite images is David holding a big smile, eyes closed, arms raised high blessing us with his immense grace and love.

No doubt that alongside the many sweet moments were challenges. Due to David's system rejecting and vomiting all food on Monday, the doctors inserted a tube through his nose that reached down to his stomach. This was done in order to offer his stomach a break and a drain by preventing additional convulsions and vomiting. This tube was to remain in place for 72 hours with no liquids through the mouth. In order to sustain David nutritionally, he was provided several calories, vitamins and minerals via IV. The doctor stopped by on Wednesday to say that if the drainage from the stomach continued to be so low, the tube would be removed on Thursday. Well David definitely heard this and thought he would take matters into his own hands... Wednesday night Tana was lying on the floor resting and Jennifer and I had both stepped out of the room for a bit - she to pay bills and me to catch a few breaths of cool air. When Jennifer re-entered the room David beckoned her over... on her way to his side, she noticed the tube [that was once down his throat] on the floor. She immediately informed me so we could assess together any damage or discomfort. David was rather pleased and looking relieved. Thankfully, no signs of damage or stress. Imagine David wearing a big smile while stating "I was a bad boy." Jennifer and I laughed and laughed - we all shared a very funny, sweet moment.

On Thursday, the doctors gave us the go ahead to resume water through the mouth so we gladly handed David sips of water throughout the day. By evening the water in his belly was causing lots of distress, bloating and gas. And I could only imagine this pressure was interfering with any tumor located in David's abdominal area. He was extremely uncomfortable and we worked diligently thinking/implementing ideas and talking with the doctors on how to relieve the gas. Eventually things settled and David was resting somewhat peacefully again.

Despite David lying in bed all week unable to sit up he showed amazing strength. We would assist him in moving his legs and arms to encourage circulation. He really enjoyed exercising - we all referred to the movements as rehabilitation. He mustered up incredible resistance while pressing his arms and legs into our hands. At one point David and I were in a perfect position for thumb wrestling so I invited him to play... we did - so sweet! So many, so many moments David was beyond endearing... I experienced an endearment like never before while observing his gestures and listening closely to his words.

The challenges were feeling bigger Thursday night through Friday as David was having difficulty breathing and catching his breath at times. All night I heard every inhale followed by every exhale... his breathing sounded so labored. Jennifer from the clinic came by frequently to perform laser therapy. Administering frequencies to the painful area in David's abdominals definitely calmed his breathing, but only temporarily. Jennifer reasoned the issues were due to internal inflammation, pain and stress/anxiety.

Also at the end of the week, David's feet were cold despite the warmth of his upper body. Dr. Munos said this was a circulation problem and blood flow wasn't ample down David's legs and feet.

I received a call from Jennifer today who said that on Saturday David expressed his desire to be with his family. Fulfilling David's request, Jennifer and Tana called other family members for additional hands and a van by which to transport David. Operation "move north" was successfully completed during the middle of Saturday night. This morning, David was requesting the presence of his family members who have all been lovingly at his side.

Please see David's vibrant light body. Trust and have complete faith in his Spirit to guide him.

Your prayers of absolute love and comfort are called for in this moment. Collectively let us give back to David ALL the love and light he has shared with all of us for all of these years.

In full gratitude...

Love & Blessings to All,


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