Tuesday, January 6, 2009

David Nur Engle: 3/3/1963 - 1/6/2009

Dear Loved Ones,

This is Ananda and I would like to share special details with you who have been with David on many levels through his extraordinary journey. As you can tell from the definite tone of my words so far...he passed very peacefully this morning, sometime between 5:20am and 6:55am.

From the very moment when Jennifer and I awoke at 6:55am to see David near us, free of labored breath, there is the complete presence of lightness and joy..total ease in the air. Here, in the house he was raised, the house his family still inhabits with their children, he was surrounded with love and many opportunities to connect with those he needed to see, receive releasing words, be heard on what was truly in his heart, and have others hear him.

There are many stories to share from each person who was with him in these final few days. Jennifer, myself, William and Christina Sophia were warmly welcomed in Camarillo. There will likely be many different accounts and downloads as time goes on. As you know, one of David's most important and finest talents was to allow others to share, be heard and be present with their hearts authenticity through counseling and being a loving friend. So I'd like to share what occurred, the final moments in letting go of his own personal processes.

His breathing was labored all day but more so in the evening. He could sometimes form words, or sounds or just deep eye gazing. He was mentally alert every step of the way even with pain meds. He had been receiving many visitations by people all day but at this particular time Jennifer, Dawn (David's sister in law) and I were alone. We were encouraging him that he is free and can choose to stay in the pain or depart where there is bliss (the theme of the day from many people). But in this instance he showed a facial expression of anger while he and I looked deeply into each others eyes. I then saw him as just himself and mirrored how angry he is about leaving so early. He became animated and vocalized sounds of importance. I then mirrored that I would imagine he was angry with his body too...more angry sounds and expression emerged from his face & throat. His face and voice sounds said, you are hearing me! He was encouraged to go into his anger, we growled together so to speak and the process continued for possibly 20 or 30 minutes (more?).

After much expression and time had passed, I directed his attention to love, using metaphor to share that when we feel love for another person it can be so full and rich, real, but do we really know where it comes from? Where is the source? We call it 'the divine', nature, God..many names but its movement and power is a mystery. It is also a mystery when in life we find ourselves in difficult situations yet we continuously emerge and it continuously happens throughout life in various ways.

Then brought him back to...its a mystery that this happened to you, it makes no sense why, you are so young and vibrant, you wanted to continue your mission to help children and have children, and we just don't know, we just don't know. But the divine has guided you through life. Your mission will continue out of your body. You can still help people but in a bigger way. He then smiled extremely big and chuckled, looked at Jennifer and I and there was a great sense of peace that came over him. He was grateful to us all, everyone, happy and so loving. Jennifer showered him with baby kisses. He then wanted to make sure that his adoring primary caregiver extraordinaire, Jennifer, would be fine and she shared that she would. I told him she has my support and the men's group offered their loving support.

I told him that he can ask the beings of light around him many questions, listen to their answers and wisdom, be with them, they are here for you and he looked ahead of us and said 'do you see them?' (like they were in front of him) and I said 'I feel them'.

Soon after this he said 'I'm ready to die' and asked for Tana (his sister). William came in and we sat for what seemed like 2 hours touching his skin and gazing at him fully. Tana shared once again that she released him, William did the same. We encouraged him that we and he are one with everything, he is free and we are always connected. He then continued on and we respectively went to our beds.

Jennifer and I slept next to him, ready to help. In the early am he moaned loudly until we got out of bed. It was his way of getting our attention. He didn't want pain meds. Jennifer agreed to my washcloth'ing his upper body, which calmed him a lot. We then went back to sleep and awoke together at 6:55am, looked into each others eyes and realized he was no longer breathing. My heart raced powerfully yet there was great calm in the room, which instantly soothed me.

Jennifer and I called out loud, 'congratulations for making the big transition David, we are so happy for you, you did it, you did it!

Everyone who has come in the house since feels joy, peace sharing love and laughter and story. Relief that the suffering is over and joy that he is free. There is a feeling of completion.

I know this is a long e-mail but David's last moments were filled with great teachings on being present with feelings and authenticity to the very last moments, even when there were no words at all.

There will be a more detailed account on his blog from Jennifer, myself and others. Please continue to send him your prayers as he continues on his journey. There will likely be a ceremony service in honor of our beloved friend scheduled soon. Please keep checking David's website for details...all are welcome!

In deep gratitude and love,

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